Over the Hills

On day 13, we’re officially out of Glacier National Park and into the more flatlands of Montana! Over the past couple of days we’ve spent nights in Whitefish, East Glacier, and currently Shelby, MT, riding over 800 miles to date! Friends we’ve met along the way warned us about the changes after East Glacier, but we didn’t think it would be this drastic! It’s amazing in a matter of a few miles how quickly the scenery and terrain has changed. We went from plush forests and rushing icy rivers in the valleys of mountains, into open wide rolling hills with no trees or any signs of water.

With the snowcap mountains now a speck in our rearview mirrors, we’re on flat lands as we head more east in Montana. Bobby and Dennis have had a few more flat tires – with the counts being Bobby: 4, Dennis: 3, Raleigh: 0, and happy to report zero mental breakdowns (yet).

Sandy and Chels are still keeping spirits high with lots of cheering along the way and help with finding good resting spots, restaurants, and hotels, and all around concierge services!


  1. Loving the pictures! Look forward to getting some captions on many of them! Keep on crushing it! Go Bros!

  2. Awesome guys and gals !
    Y’all are livin’ the life … and with good cause to boot !
    Thanks for sharing !

  3. Great update, keep on bike’en brothers. We are all root’en for ya’ll.

  4. Gig’Em and keep on truckin’. Looking good and enjoying my role as avid supporter!

  5. Thank you, looks like an awesome ride. can you please post more about areas to watch out for. difficult terrain, no lodge/store areas. etc, etc ,etc. thinking on doing this in 4 years. thanks much. good luck and Gods speed.

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