Dennis Shaves His Head

After talking about the “number 6 buzz cut” for all five days of the trip, Dennis finally shaved his head! #SYOH


  1. Enjoyed the haircut video. ABC Home and Commercial and haircuts by Chelsea

    1. I thoroughly enjoyed the hair cut video! I think you did a good job. You look younger with the new haircut!

  2. Seriously dear, don’t you think a mirror would have helped? I just loved listening to Chelsea laugh at the beginning.

  3. I was going to drive out and try to find you guys on the road tomorrow if that’s cool with everybody let me know where you’re at?

  4. Best video yet. Laughed out loud lots. Keep the videos coming Dennis!!!

  5. Dennis,

    I luv ya, but I think a number 6 is called a haircut not shaving your head… LOL.
    You guys keep it up…

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