Uphill Battles: P1 (Day 5)

As we are passing through the mountains and are in small towns, the cell service has been spotty to non-existent.. we’ll upload more pictures and videos once we have the cell strengh and wifi!

Today was a  really long hard day on the bikes as we rode from Riverside across the Wauconda Pass and then down into Republic where we are staying another night at the very hospitible K Diamond K Guest Ranch (where we’re unsure if Raleigh will ever leave).  The guys finished about 60 miles with about 30 of them going uphill to the top of the pass. We had fantastic weather again and they rode hard all day, with the first stretch clocking in at almost 2 hours of straight riding! After an early dinner at The Knotty Pine, Dennis decided to share his head (just a #6, dont worry Jen!) and now we’re all ready for a good nights sleep before we cross the highest and last pass of the trip.

More pictures and video recaps to come, stay tuned!


  1. Stay safe, Bobby! I’ll be praying for you and your brothers safety. I know you can make it! My daughter biked from Providence to San Francisco a few years ago. Peace to you on your journey.

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