Day 4 Views: Driver Edition

Ever wonder what it looks like from the drivers POV, as well as what the drivers look like? #NowYouKnow


  1. Haha! I’d drive Mama Jenkins! Great job chase crew. Stay safe!

  2. Ok, Chles…your “version of the driver and SAG vehicle” made my day! You had me cracking up. I’m so thankful that you are driving, as Dede was taking a nice nap in your video. YOU ROCK!!! Those guys owe you BIG!!! Really BIG!!! Love you all!

  3. Officially my new fav comedy show. I love everything about this! Not to mention the EDITING SKILLZ 🀘🏼😜🀘🏼 Girl you killin it in dat driver seat πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ

  4. Thanks for the entertainment video, Chels – give a weekly one, this had me , Kim, Vanessa and Mike rolling this morning!

  5. SHOUT! A little bit softer now…..

    You two make a great pair! Keep those boys safe. You have amazing patience to listen to those hazards clicking πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. This is my new fav reality show. Keep the videos coming! So entertaining!

  7. Chelsea your choice of music is bar none. You guys look like your having a great time. Enjoy beautiful scenery and keeping the boys safe

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